Monday, 14 May 2012


Education -- The process of training and developing the knowledge, mind, character, etc., especially by formal schooling."

1. Development Of Intelligence. Remember that the definition of education includes "knowledge" and "mind." This would probably be the first idea that enters the minds of parents. However, on deeper reflection, the development of intelligence includes three major components. Incidentally, illustrations of all three can be found in the Holy Scriptures.

2. Development Of Character. A key component of education is the development of an inner system of "rights and wrongs," an inner system of how to conduct one's life. Lest it surprise you to have this listed as part of "education," please look at the dictionary definition. Every child is educated in this arena. Every school is distinctive. The difference is only in what kind of character system is implemented in the child. It could be based on conservative ideas, relativism/situation ethics, a Judeo-Christian ethic, humanism, strict Bible teaching, or whatever. But it is impossible to educate without character, and it is impossible to have character without it being transmitted through education.

3. Development Of Livelihood Skills. There comes a time when a typical student ceases a life with books, teachers, and classrooms, even a time when he wants an independent life with prospects of spouse, family, job, house and car, managing time and money and responsibilities, etc. Again, every school teaches these skills, but the philosophy at each school will vary greatly.

4. Development To Fit In One's Culture. In this sense, education is the current generation of adults passing their common thinking on to the next generation. Education typically defines this role as "passing on" a culture, usually with thought of "improving it," from generation to generation. Like each other part of education, there is a core of material to which all can agree. We should be passing on our language, an understanding of our coinage and geography, and certainly the knowledge of what side of the road to drive a car! However, there is wide diversity among schools, and teachers, as to other aspects of culture. Contemporary illustrations could include how a school addresses "alternate lifestyles," alcoholic beverages, use of spare time, family living, religion, sports, and money. Some system of thought, and action, will be taught.


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